Meet my new little friend! This little boy in the pictures is our base leader's son, Lucus. He is one of the many cute little kids that I want to take home with me. Right away when I met him he jumped into my arms and wouldn't let go!
The past few days have been so exhausting! The base leader is trying something new for our DTS. mandatory exercise at 6am every Tuesday and Thursday. I think that once we get used to all the runni

ng it won't be so bad! This week has been a lot of orientation stuff. The team building games have been great. We did the amazing race and it was AWESOME! Our group is getting so close already. It has been a lot of fun getting to know everybody but I still miss the people at home SO MUCH!!
We have spent a lot of time this week going into the community and praying for them. There is so much poverty all around us here. This week I have learned a lot about how blessed I am. Why am I so blessed to be born where I was and into the family that I am a part of? My heart has been broken over and over again for the people here in Jeffrey's Bay. But at the same time, I know that there is HOPE for them!
Something else th

at has been really challenging me the past few days is how important it is to follow God when he calls you somewhere or to something. Coming here I was absoltly sure that I was following God and when my 6 months was done I would return home and go on with normal life there. We heard a story today about a 18 year old girl from the last DTS who went to India for her ourtreach. While she was there she strongly felt like God was calling here to stay there and is still there today. It is hard to think of how I will respond if God calls me to stay here or in another country. As much as I want to go home in December, I know that if God calls me, i need to obey and follow him with trust.
Tomorrow the Billabong surfing competion thing starts right here in Jeffrey's Bay. It is exciting to be staying in the city where this big event is happening just 5 minutes from our dorms. Hopefully we will get the chance to go and watch that for a while.
Lastly, I want to thank you for all of the financial support that I recieved when planning for this trip. I still do not have all the money that I need but I know that God will provide for me. There are also people on my team who are still in need money. As a team, we are going to do fundraising to use for our outreach so please pray that the ne

eded money comes in and that we might even have extra to use for things that are needed on the base. I have had people asking me if it is to late to send me money. NOPE! If you are one of those people, you can still write the check out to me and mail it to my house and my mom will take care of it from there.
Thanks again for all of the prayers and little messages that I have been recieving. I really appreciate it!